Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A day in the life of a medical student

I gotta say that i have tremendous respect to all the food bloggers out there who are so consistent and regular, despite having - i'm sure- so many other things in life. I'm just a student, and already i always feel like there is never enough time for anything.
For instance, let's roll back to last Friday and see what i was up to.

7am - wake up, eat breakfast and pack lunch
7.30am - leaving for hospital
8.30am - 10.30am - ward rounds
10.30am-1.30pm - in ED seeing patients + cannulation, blood tests
1.30pm -4pm - wound healing and ulcers tutorial
4pm-6.20pm - back to hospital ED for more patients +more cannulations
6.20pm - finally heading for home.
7pm - had lunch -cum-dinner.

well, i wasnt on call - so technically it was not even a hard-core day.

Nevertheless, I did manage to eat some good food at New Shanghai restaurant, Chatswood. Heard about it for ages.The pan-fried pork bun is to die for!!!! i loved them to bits. Deep fried tofu with salted egg yolk was quite nice, a little too oily for my liking. Shanghai stir fried noodles = 6/10 as im not a big fan of big fat udon-like noodles. I like my thin wonton mee:D Couldn't take photos cz i didnt bring my camera - was in class the whole day before that.
Man i need a car. then i can just dump everything inside my car and never forget anything :D But then again I never seem to have enough spare cash, considering how much i spend on my stomach :(

Talk about money, I'm stressing a little bit now cz my bff's wedding is coming --> gotta fly back to vietnam for 4 days, which will cost me ~$1100. +wanna get her something from Tiffany's as a wedding gift --> prob cost another $500. + buying a new dress for the wedding --> budget $200. Maybe I should just forget about paying for Hong Kong. Let the parents do the finances.hahahaha.

Think about the starving children they say :)